- 168 hours available in a week (24 hours times 7 days)
- Theoretically speaking, a person should get 8 hours of sleep per night, right? 168-56 = 112 hours available.
- For my physical and mental health, and for the benefit of the rest of humanity, I shower daily. (Yes, I know you thank me.) Some of my most creative ideas come to me when I am in the shower. Christmas Tree Volcanos, Treasure Maps, International Trips and Anne Hutchison Trials all are beholden to my watery world for their existence. Some people can take five minute showers - I cannot. Although I do not hold the Musick household record for shower excess (Hannah holds that title. She frequently falls asleep in the shower, really!), my typical shower time from entering the room until leaving is 30 minutes. That adds up to three and a half hours per week under water, so I will just add an additional 30 minutes for Saturday spa activities and call it an even four. 112-4 = 108. hours available.
- Eating is important, right? Three squares and all that? Food prep time, consumption time, cleanup time = 3 hours per day. I don't cook every meal from scratch. Breakfast is usually cereal or bagels, lunch is left overs, tea time Bible time is snacks, and dinner is a continual mystery. Giving credit where credit is due, my wonderful husband Mark does dinner on Tuesday nights, and my superior daughter Hannah does dinner on Thursday nights. Sunday nights are food scavenger hunts, so I don't cook then either. Still, skimming the cream off the raw milk, shopping for fresh produce and dispatching the packing off of pre-packaged foods does take time, so I think the 21 hours per week is justified. 108-21 = 87 hours available.
- Scheduled activites: Church (3 hours), Dance Class Chauffeur (2 hours), Tuesday Homelink Teaching (10 hours), Wednesday Tutoring (4 hours), Thursday Homelink Teaching (9 hours). 28 hours reserved in total. 87-28 = 59 hours available.
- Time with God. More important than beans and chocolate is my spiritual nourishment. If I don't keep myself in the Word, in prayer and in worship I begin to shrivel up and die on the inside. My success as a wife, mother, teacher, friend, neighbor is directly related to my relationship with God. Although busy stress often tempts me to skip over this time commitment when other NEEDS press in, I just can't do life without God. Impossible. Not gonna happen. Thirty minutes a day - ironically, the same as my shower time. 59-4 = 55 hours available.
- Time with Mark. Husbands have this expectation that their wives will be there and be available. Imagine that. Hard to be a help meet when one is comatose, I realize marriage takes time to do well. Not even claiming to "do well", I mentally reserve thirty minutes a day for the attempt. Add in a coffee date and we are up to 4 hours again. 55-4 = 51 hours available.
- Homeschooling. Ahhhhhhhh! I am a homeschool mom. Thankfully my children are very self-sufficient and can do a lot for themselves, but Emma still needs to learn how to read, Glory is just getting confident in her academic skills, Clara is taking her first "real" classes at Homelink, Hannah is a whiz at writing but not quite so "whizzy" at Algebra, and Jonmark is at college but is still my boy. To make like manageable our family does homeschool four days a week. We skip Tuesday because of Homelink, and Hannah covers Thursday since I am gone all day. Monday,Wednesday and Friday I oversee my children's work, write out assignments, explain math concepts, read stories aloud and try to create an environment where my children will learn and thrive. 51-9 = 42 hours available.
- Bills and Housework. Praise God for understanding husbands! My man has taken over the biggest portion of our home care, and during Saturday cleaning day I pay bills and take care of our family business paperwork. During the week a quick sweep, a few loads of laundry, a daily ten minute tidy are all I do, ignoring the rest of the dust and clutter. 42-5 = 37 hours available.
- Driving. Living in House Springs, we are 30 minutes away from St. Louis metro area. I put about 300 miles a week on my car, which at 45 mph translates into around 7 hours behind the wheel. 37-7 = 30 hours available.
- Running. My new motivation to transform my couch potato status requires 4 hours per week. The increase in energy and endorphin release after completing a run is well worth the time. 30-4 = 26 hours available.
- Lesson planning. I teach five different class preps (9 classes total), and to prepare for each class probably takes an average of one hour per class per week. 26-5 = 21 hours.
- Friday night movie and Sunday night movie. My family does not have a working television, but we do depend on Netflix to provide Friday night entertainment. Currently the older half of the family enjoys watching Chuck. We watch one DVD per weekend, usually about 3 hours of viewing. On Sunday nights the yournger half of the family gets to have their turn: Phineas and Ferb, Delilah and Julius, Cooking shows and cheezy children's movies occupy another 2 hours of viewing. This is family time, so everyone is expected to participate. Have I fallen asleep during Sunday movie nights - often. Can I skip - no. 21-5 = 16 hours available.
- Family walks/activities. Walks through the neighborhood, family "meetings", trips to the zoo, errand running, Missionettes, etc. The miscellaneous of family life occupies about 3 hours per week. 16-3 = 13 hours available.
- Telephone calls and internet. Homework assignments, communication with Homelink parents, talking to Kerrie Tate, checking in with extended family out of state, writing to friends in Japan.....yikes, I really fall down in this area of responsibility. Probably I average about 10 hours per week, but I should be doing much more. Relationships with people are so important, and life is too short to push people to the back burner. 13-10 = 3 hours available.
- GRADING! Oh, I have saved the best for last. I have over 70 composition students. On average I am reviewing around 35 writing assignments and grading another 35 writing assignments. It takes about 10-20 minutes per paper, depending on how long it is, how good it is, etc. Japanese students also have homework for correction, plus overseeing reader's journals, comprehension questions, vocabulary notebooks, workbook unit pages, and then recording all the grades on paper and online with Engrade. 3-24 = (negative 21) hours not available.
In the mean time, however, I guess I need to take some tips from someone we all know whom I will refer to (for anonymity) as Mrs. Tasteful. Mrs. Tasteful has cut out the eating and sleeping almost completely, thus adding 133 hours to her week. She also communicates, counsels and homeschools while driving. Not only does Mrs. Tasteful homeschool her own child, but she also has taken several other students under her wing and helps all of them be successful. Amazingly, Mrs. Tasteful can pray while watching kids, clean while plotting world domination and pay bills by osmosis. Actually she gives and gives and gives, and God's grace covers the rest.
So am I too busy to blog? No way! Life is as full as we make it, and if God's grace can cover Mrs. Tasteful, I can depend on God's mercy to cover me. After all, there is always the summer for sleeping...
Wow! I call that busy! Thanks for taking time to post.
ReplyDeleteInspiring and gee, you're like my hero!